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The Agent Model

A personalized trading assistant, leveraging predictive intelligence

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Meet your assistant

A personalized trading assistant, leveraging predictive inteligence

Automated Onchain Actions

Event Simulations

Custom Insights

Personalized insights and actions
An assistant that knows you.

Agent 0.07 adapts itself to your personal trading style & habits. It delivers tailored insights, strategies & applied predictions, all custom fit to your needs. Agent 0.07 tailors its insights based on your self-evaluation, and refines them by tracking your behavior on-chain, allowing for a fully personalized experience.

Standard Model Response
My portfolio is 40% in $OMIRA, 30% in $MOON, 20% in $MARS, 20% in $PLUTO. Total value is 100k. What should I do?
Your portfolio is highly concentrated, with 40% allocated to a single token ($OMIRA). While this could mean you're confident in its potential, it also exposes you to significant risk if $OMIRA's value declines.
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Omira 0.07 Agent Model
What should I do with my portfolio?
Your current portfolio:
40%1.5M OMIRA ($40,000)
30%500K MOON ($30,000)
20%200K MARS ($20,000)
10%7.2M PLUTO ($10,000)
Given your risk aversion and the fact that usually most of your profits come from just a few tokens, your portfolio appears well-positioned.
Let me know if you would like specific insights, here are some options to explore:
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On-chain actions & prompts

License to trade.

Execute emotionless, hands free trades with Agent 0.07.

Whether it's simple entries & exits or fully personalized scaling strategies, confirm their execution in a single click and have 0.07 do the heavy lifting.

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Event contingent predictions

Simulated market scenarios.

Agent 0.07 simulates price movements based on hypothetical news, events & catalysts at your command.

For the first time ever, your "what ifs" are answered.

If $X and $Y partner which do I buy more of?

One Agent
Accessible Anywhere.

Acquire $OMIRA to access.
A minimum holding of 50,000 $OMIRA is required to access 0.07 and other Omira Labs products.